Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Powell's Books Wants Your Two Cents

I know you. You like to talk about books with me. Every time you come to the Library, we share what we've read lately, and why we liked or did not like particular books.
Well, I just discovered that Powell's Books will PAY us to do the same on their website:
They're fiendishly clever. Each day, they pick a regular person's comment about one of the books Powell's sells, feature that comment on their website, and that person gets a $20 gift certificate for books from Powell's. Hmm. I think I might actually try it. Let me know if you win. I'll let you know if I win, too! Twenty bucks isn't bad for a 30-second book blurb.
(and no, I don't own stock in Powell's Books. I just like to win stuff...and I know you like to win stuff too. I'm talking to you, Mary Ann! Yes, and Susan too! And Marina! And Richard! And at least forty other people I don't have space to type in here! But you know who you are. Do it now!!!)

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